My goal -the point of it all -this blog, the videos, the races, everything, is to show my daughters that with a little perseverance, a lot of hard work and the support of those you care about, great things can happen.
I am a triathlete. Don't believe me? Ask my coach! It's true.
I have one goal for next year as a triathlete; to compete in the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Mont-Tremblant,Quebec, Canada. That is THE goal.
To get there, I must qualify. To qualify, I must compete in other events and train like it's going out of style. I must also come up with sponsors to help pay for these events. If you don't know, being a triathlete can get! Unfortunately, I am not an heir to Lord Grantham of Dowton Abbey fame. I work a full-time job -plus I'm a writer ...a busy guy to say the least.
Here I shall chronicle my journey. Training, hunt for sponsors, race prep, post race reports, videos, photos...the works.
Stay I go!
Can anyone guess where I first heard the phrase, Delusions of Grandeur?
(Interesting article)
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